2023. Washington International Piano Festival


Anique Ayesigwa (Uganda), Braulio Cascante (Costa Rica), Daniela Cerdas (Costa Rica), Geum Dahae (South Korea), Emre Erk (Turkey), Andres Esquivel (Costa Rica), Sara Francioso (Italy), Marco Isaia (Italy), Chenming Li (China), Marcelo Marin (Costa Rica), Victoria Marin (Costa Rica), Juanita Martínez (Costa Rica), Eric Monge (Costa Rica), Alanisse Morris (Costa Rica), Parker van Ostrand (CA, USA), Gabriel Paz-Campos (Costa Rica), Carolina Rodriguez (Costa Rica), Paula Vargas (Costa Rica), Joseph Varnovitsky (MD, USA), Matthew Villalobos (Costa Rica), Elizabeth Vinokurov (MD, USA), Jacqueline Walker (DC, USA) Eliz Wuchen (Costa Rica), Ivy Wuchen (Costa Rica), Lilian Yang (MD, USA)


Nikita Fitenko (USA/Russia), Brian Ganz (USA), Luigi Dominici (Italy), Misha Tumanov (USA/Ukraine), Robert Andres (Portugal), Honor O’Hea (Ireland), Suk Rahn Taeyu Kwon (South Korea), Alexandr Sklioutovski (Costa Rica), Murray McLachlan (England), Kathryn Page (England)

 Concert Series

  • Bran Ganz, Nikita Fitenko, Misha Tumanov, Alon Goldstein, Parker Van Ostrand
  • WIPF Participants’ Concert at the AMP Theater Strathmore
  • Winners of the 37th International Young Artist Competition


  • Brian Ganz
  • Alon Goldstein

The 8th Catholic University of America Piano Competition

Winners in the College/Professional Category

  • 1st Prize: Elizabeth Vinokurov
  • 2nd Prize: ⁠Andres Esquivel & Paula Vargas
  • 3rd Prize: ⁠Sara Francioso & Marco Isaia
  • Honorary Mention: Eric Monge

Winners in the Pre-College Category

  • 1st Prize: Gabriel Paz
  • 2nd Prize: Matthew Villalobos
  • 3rd Prize: ⁠Eliz Wuchen