2016. Washington International Piano Festival


Belinda Chen (MD, USA), HaEun Cho (Korea), Luc Cianfarani (NY, USA), Ruochong Cui (MD, USA), Yiwei Dong (China), Robin Friedman (DC, USA), Bo Gao (VA, USA), Esther Guy (MO, USA), Julia Hananel (MD, USA), Garrett Harmon (MD, USA), Houng Yeon Kim (Korea), Yangwon Kim (Korea), Alexandra LaMastra (PA, USA), Natalia Lauk (ID, USA), Danielle Lee (MD, USA), Huiqin Mao (China), Katherine Miller (MD, USA), Mable R. Morrison (USA), Qingxin Ni (China), Yutao Pan (PA, USA), Ga Young Park (Korea), Xiang Su (China), Silvia Tessari (Italy), Zoe Vonarburg (Switzerland), Yanying Wang (DC, USA), Madeline Xu (MD, USA), Xing Xu (MD, USA), Li Yang (MD, USA), Yang Yang (China), Allison Yu (MD, USA), Zhen Zhang (MD, USA), Charles Zhao (MD, USA)


Nikita Fitenko (Co-Director), Ivo Kaltchev (Co-Director), Brian Ganz (USA), Douglas Humpherys (USA), Hae-Young Kim (South Korea), Juan Lago (Spain), Chongxiao Liu (China), Edvinas Minkstimas (Lithuania/USA), Xun Pan (China), Boris Slutsky (Russia/USA)

 Concert Series

  • Jon Nakamatsu, Jae Hong Park, Brian Ganz, Arsentiy Kharitonov, Dmitry Ishkhanov
  • WIPF Selected Participants’ Concert at the Kennedy Center’s Millennium Stage
  • Prizewinners of the 2016 International Young Artists Piano Competition
  • Winners of the 2016 Lancaster International Piano Festival Music Competition
  • Winners of the 2016 Young Musicians Inspiring Change Competition,
  • Winners of the 3nd Catholic University of America Piano Competition


  • Douglas Humpherys
  • Boris Slutsky
  • Round Table Discussion: “The Job Market for Pianists: A Reality Check”

The 3rd Catholic University of America Piano Competition

Winners in the College/Professional Category

  • 1st Prize: Alexandra LaMastra (PA, USA) and Silvia Tessari (Italy)
  • 2nd Prize: Yangwon Kim (Korea)
  • 3rd Prize: Yang Yang (China)
  • Honorable Mention: Belinda Chen (MD, USA) and Bo Gao (VA, USA)

Winners in the Junior Category

  • 1st Prize: Ruochong Cui (MD, USA)
  • 2nd Prize: Madeline Xu (MD, USA)
  • 3rd Prize: Allison Yu (MD, USA)
  • Honorable Mention: Charles Zhao (MD, USA)